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Hello there! This might be our first time meeting and something tells me this will be one weird friendship. You'll probably have to read a bit and you'll have a lot of photos to look at, but that's okay.

If you're here for my photography, thank you. This paragraph here is yours. You can access my images to the right, purchase existing images above, and if you are interested in pricing just give me a shout.

I'll give you a lot of vegetarian and heartburn friendly recipes, as well as a lot of do-it-yourself crafts to try. There will also be bits of travel advice and you can follow my own journey, if you'd like. You'll see a lot of smiles, a bit of folk punk, a whole lot of studio ghibli, many ramblings, and a lot of my favourite things that I hope are your favourite things too.

Ready? Welcome to the voice of Miranda de Groot.

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